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Da Vinciskolan, Ale · Senast uppdaterad: 23 februari 2022

In this project you will learn more about life, society and culture in an English-speaking country and you will practise how to search, choose and use information from the internet.

The project has three parts:


PART 1: Facts

Answer questions about Canada. Send in your answers on Unikum.


PART 2: Writing

Find information and write about a famous person

-          Choose a famous person from the world of sports, music, film, literature, media or politics from Canada. Find out as much as possible about this person and where he/she comes from.

-          Write a short biography about your person. In the introduction, say why you chose this person and why he/she is interesting. What is your relationship to this person?

-          Use the information you have found but write in your own words. 250-600 words. Remember to mention your sources. Hand in your text on Unikum.


PART 3: Interviews

When you have finished researching and writing it is time to prepare an interview based on the questions from part 1.

-          Make an interview with another “famous person” and be interviewed as the person you chose.

The interviews are to be filmed and handed in via Unikum. No longer than 5-10 minutes. 



First, search in the name of the person in a search engine on the internet. Then narrow your search and write for example the name of the person + biography.


Here are some things to write about:

-          Early life

-          Career

-          Family and personal life

-          Is there a celebrity in Sweden this person can be compared to?

-          Most famous for…

-          Personal image

-          Where he/she comes from and what it’s like there

-          Other things


Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, även i jämförelse med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

Sökning och värdering av innehåll i muntliga och skriftliga källor av olika slag, utifrån olika syften.

Samtal, diskussion och skrivande där eleverna berättar, beskriver, instruerar och motiverar sina åsikter.

Strategier för att bidra till och underlätta samtal och skriftlig interaktion, även digital, till exempel genom att ge bekräftelse, ställa följdfrågor, lyssna aktivt, formulera om, förklara, bidra med nya infallsvinklar och avsluta på ett artigt sätt.

Matriser i planeringen
Facts about Canada
Text about your famous person

Hjälp och support



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