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Writing Test - Schools

Gustav Adolfsskolan, Alingsås · Senast uppdaterad: 10 mars 2022

Ett skrivprov i Dugga utan hjälpmedel.

Choose ONE of the following topics to write about. You should write between 200 and 400 words.


1. A Day in My School

- Describe a typical school day. 

Here are some questions for you to answer in your text: 

How do you get to school? What lessons do you have? Describe what kind of work you do during lessons.  What do you do between lessons? When do you eat lunch? What's a typical school meal? What's your favourite part of the school day? What about homework? When do you do your homework?

- You can also compare your school day to a school day in one of the countries you've read/heard about. What similarities/differences (likheter/skillnader) are there?

Always explain and give examples.


2. Why do We Need Education?

Discuss and write about your thoughts and opinion. You can use the questions below:

- Why is it important to go to school and learn things? For you and for kids and teenagers around the world. Explain and give examples.

- What subjects do you think you will be most useful for you in the future? Why?

- What subjects do you think you won't use that much? Why?

- Which subject(s) should be taught at school but they aren’t? Why do you think so?



Viktigt att du läser kommentaren för att se vad som fungerade bra och vad du ska tänka på när du skriver framöver. Kommentaren står på pappret som jag delar ut efter jag rättat proven. 


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